• Brendan Nolan
  • Owner
  • Brendan joined Kirk at Go Fish in 2009 when they started planning the Worlds Biggest JetSki fishing event, and soon moved into the magazine side of things as well. The events grew and the business grew and soon this was a full time job and has been ever since. Brendan always loved fishng having grown up on the farm in Eston and spent every afternoon possible bass fishing, and then ocean fishing with his Grandfather whenever they visited them in East London. Owning your own business and doing something you love is rewarding and challenging. Being so busy actually means not as much fishing as many believe, but at least fishing is a great way to spend time working. Brendan is married to Julie, and have three children, two boys and a girl, who also have had the fishing bug bite but not quite as fishing mad as their father yet.

  • Kirk Newton
  • Owner
  • Kirk founded Go Fish in 2008 after spending too much time under his desk day dreaming of fishing while working, during his first job as a journalist. Having fished mostly rock and surf his whole life, Kirk had started kayak fishing and this is where the Go Fish dream began. Go Fish was a niche magazine focusing on kayak, jetski and spearfishing in the early days. Whilst still focusing on these facets, other angling facets were added. The brand started to branch out considerably, and events and tours became a major part of the business as well as apparel. Kirk nowadays focuses mostly on the tours side of things as the destinations increase, and more and more people join us for epic fishing adventures. Kirk is married to Kim and they have two young daughters.

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